Thursday, March 20, 2008

Crackle Finishing: Adds More Depth To Your Paint

With the current trend of home decor being shabby-chic, its no wonder everyone loves the look of crackle finishes. Crackle finishes can change not only the look and feel of everything from flower pots, to picture frames, to various pieces of furniture, but they can also change the dynamics of the walls of a room by creating the illusion of depth.

Crackle finish is a faux painting technique, which is used to give walls or pieces of furniture an aged, peeling-paint look. This technique is easy to do and can be accomplished by most beginners. The entire project can be completed in about four easy steps. Whether you are a professional or a beginner to the world of painting, you can master the art of crackle finishing.

The numbers of materials needed for this type of project are very few. The only limit to this project is your imagination. This is a fun; creative, and inexpensive way to way to spruce up your home. Think of all of the items that are found in your home; you know that there are things that would look awesome with a bit of the aged painting look.

When you are ready to begin applying the crackle finish to your furniture or walls, you will want to make sure that you have the appropriate tools and materials to make your project flow a little easier. There are not a lot of materials needed. Basically, what you will need includes:

* Latex wall paints (preferably satin finish one base coat, one top coat)
* Crackle finish or white glue (available at craft stores)
* Paint brush, roller
* Masking tape

Step 1 - Using your roller, apply one layer of base coat to your walls. Allow paint to dry at least 8 hours or overnight if possible. Choose a color that is visually appealing as this is the color that will show through the "cracked" topcoat. It is recommended that you choose paint colors that contrast well.

Step 2 - Use the masking tape to declare "off limits" areas where you do not want the crackle finish. Working one section at a time, apply the crackle finish to the walls. The finish resembles clear glue with a paint-like consistency. Allow to dry - generally 30 minutes to 1 hour - or as the manufacturer recommends.

Step 3 - Once dry, immediately apply the topcoat, starting in one corner of the room and working quickly. Be sure to load the brush with enough paint to cover each section in one motion. The crackling will begin immediately so be sure to avoid applying too much paint and over-blending which will erase the cracks. Continue this way until the entire wall is finished and allow to dry.

Step 4 - Remove the masking tape, clean out your brushes, stand back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Of course, if you are running short on time, or you are not crafty, you can always let a professional take over the job. You can buy items that already have the crackle finish applied, from tables and chairs to cabinets and everything in between. Pieces with the crackle finish can really make a difference in the look of your current décor.

About Author:
Barry Goodknight -
Custom Cabinets Wall Units.
Article Source:

Feature Video:
Crackle Faux Painting Technique

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